Introduction to Microsoft Orleans

November 17, 2024 | 10 minutes read

One of the frameworks in the .NET ecosystem that doesn’t get as much attention as it should get, is Microsoft Orleans. If you don’t know what this framework is, keep reading. I use this framework already for several years in production and I’m a huge fan of it. And because I like it so much, I’m creating this post, where we will look at what Microsoft Orleans is, its core concepts, and why it could be the ideal choice for your next distributed project.

What is Microsoft Orleans?

Microsoft Orleans is a cross-platform framework for building distributed applications. Building distributed systems can be daunting. These applications need to be highly scalable, have built-in fault tolerance, manage the state, ensure reliability and handle dynamic workloads. Microsoft Orleans abstracts away these complexities so you can focus on building your business logic and worry less about the complexities of distributed systems.

The Actor Model

Microsoft Orleans uses an actors-based design. This actor model originates from research conducted at MIT in the early 1970s. Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop and Richard Steiger developed the actor model as a theoretical framework for modeling concurrent computation. Their work aimed to provide a new approach to parallel and distributed systems, focusing on autonomous units of computation called actors and their message passing communication. In this model, each actor is an autonomous entity that encapsulates both behavior and state. Actors communicate with each other by exchanging messages, enabling decentralized and asynchronous interaction. Each actor operates independently with its own internal state and behavior. Actors can receive messages, process them, send messages to other actors or create other actors. Importantly, actors have no direct access to each other’s state, promoting encapsulation and modularity. Message passing is a primary means of communication between actors allowing for loose coupling and concurrency. While Orleans is inspired by the actor model and shares many similarities. It’s not a strict implementation.

Microsoft Orleans abstracts away a lot of the complexities of managing actors, for example the physical instantiation of actors is totally managed by the runtime itself. Microsoft Orleans was initially developed by Microsoft Research and gained recognition for its use in the Halo series, specifically in managing real-time player data in Halo 4 and Halo 5. So, if Microsoft uses it in such high demanding applications, I think it has proven to be production-ready.

The building blocks

To effectively utilize Orleans, it’s essential to understand its fundamental building blocks: Grains, Silos and Clusters.

1. Grains

Grains are the fundamental building blocks of an Orleans application. In simple terms, grains are lightweight, stateful objects that capsulate both data (state) and logic (behavior).


They are like regular .NET objects but they are uniquely designed to operate in a distributed, single-threaded environment. What is so unique about these?

  • Asynchronous messaging: You interact with grains and grains interact with each other by passing asynchronous messages.
  • Independent entities: Each grain represents an isolated unit of work, making it easy to map grains to application entities. For example, when you are building an e-shop application, the grains can be the products, the users, the shopping carts of the users, and so on.
  • Cluster distribution: Grains are distributed across multiple servers in a cluster and managed by the Orleans runtime, ensuring seamless scalability. Since the runtime handles the grain distribution, you don’t need to worry about where to instantiate your grain.
  • Unique identity: Each grain has a user-defined identity that enables communication regardless of its location in the cluster.
  • Single-threaded execution: Messages sent to a grain are processed one message at a time, avoiding concurrency issues like race conditions or deadlocks.
  • State management: Grains can persist state in memory, storage, or both. When activated, grains load their state into memory for fast access. The state can only be accessed by the grain itself. To access the state of another grain, communication between the grains must happen via messages.

Identifying a grain

A grain’s uniqueness is defined by its identity, a combination of a grain type and a grain key. The key can be a GUID, long, string, or even a combination of these. You can define what the key of the grain type needs to be by inheriting one of the grain identifier interfaces on your grain definition.

The different grain identifier interfaces are
– IGrainWithGuidKey: Guid key
– IGrainWithIntegerKey: long key
– IGrainWithStringKey: string key
– IGrainWithGuidCompoundKey: combination of a Guid key and a string key
– IGrainWithIntegerCompoundKey: combination of a long key and a string key

For singleton grain instances, such as registries or dictionaries, an empty GUID key is conventionally used. The Orleans framework provides the GetGrainId method to access a grain’s identity from within its class.

For example, when we are creating a ProductGrain and the ProductId is a Guid, we want to create the grain with a Guid key.

public interface IProductGrain : IGrainWithStringKey
    Task<string> GetProductName();

    Task<string> GetProductDescription();

    Task<decimal> GetPrice();

    Task<int> GetAvailability();

The implementation of this interface needs to inherit the Grain base class.

public class ProductGrain: Grain, IProductGrain
    public Task<string> GetProductName() 
        // Implement business logic

    public Task<string> GetProductDescription()
        // Implement business logic

    public Task<decimal> GetPrice()
        // Implement business logic

    public Task<int> GetAvailability()
        // Implement business logic

Like you see in this example, defining grains and implementing the logic for this grains isn’t much different from what you, as a .NET developer, are familiar with.

The grain lifecycle

Grains are activated automatically by the Orleans runtime when they receive their first message. This process ensures that grains always “exist” from the developer’s perspective, even if no instance currently resides in memory. During activation:

  • The grain’s persisted state is loaded into memory if available.
  • Developers can customize initialization logic using the OnActivateAsync method.

If a grain remains idle for a configurable period (by default 2 hours), the runtime deactivates it to free up resources. However:

  • The runtime reactivates the grain if it later receives a message.
  • Deactivation is not guaranteed in cases like server failures.
Grain lifecycle
Grain lifecycle

If you want to add or change the behavior of a grain type at activation or deactivation, you can override the following methods:

  • OnActivateAsync: Initialize default values or establish connections before the grain starts handling requests. If something fails in this method, the grain can’t be activated and the messages the grain receives can’t be processed.
  • OnDeactivateAsync: Perform cleanup tasks. However, avoid critical operations like saving data here, as this method may not execute in all cases.

2. Silos and Clusters

Silos and Clusters are the two other essential components of an Orleans application. They support the execution and management of grains, ensuring your distributed applications are scalable and fault-tolerant.


A silo is a logical unit in Orleans responsible for hosting and managing grains. It is an isolated process that can run on its own machine or as an instance on a shared machine. Silos play several key roles:

  • Grain lifecycle management: Silos activate and deactivate grains, oversee their lifecycle, and clean up inactive instances.
  • Concurrency control: They orchestrate grain execution to maintain data consistency and avoid race conditions.
  • Resource management: Silos monitor resource usage to prevent grains from consuming excessive resources.
  • Health monitoring: If a grain exhibits instability, the silo deactivates and restarts it to preserve application integrity.


A cluster is a group of connected silos working together to manage grains and distribute workloads efficiently. Key cluster responsibilities include:

  • Coordination: Clusters handle communication between silos and distribute grains across the system.
  • Scalability: The cluster can dynamically scale by adding or removing silos based on workload.
  • Fault tolerance: Clusters detect and recover from silo failures, redistributing grains to healthy silos.

Together, silos and clusters ensure high availability, scalability, and resilience.

Silos and clusters working together

Clusters maintain membership management, which involves tracking active silos and their health. Here’s how it works:

  • Health Checks: Silos periodically check each other’s health and report issues to the cluster.
  • Failure detection: If multiple silos mark another silo as unhealthy, the cluster migrates grains from the failing silo to healthy ones.
  • Recovery: The cluster may replace an unhealthy silo and redistribute workloads to maintain capacity. This system ensures uninterrupted operation even in the event of server failures.

Configuring silos and clusters

Silos are configured using the UseOrleans extension method in the host builder. Some key configurations include:

  • Clustering provider (Required):

The clustering provider manages cluster membership data.

– Development: In-memory (for localhost clustering).
– Production: Azure Table, SQL Server, or Apache ZooKeeper.

Example (Azure Table Provider):

builder.UseOrleans((context, siloBuilder) => 
    siloBuilder.UseAzureTableClustering(options =>
        options.ConnectionString = context.Configuration["ConnectionStrings:AzureStorage"];
  • Cluster and service IDs (Optional):

– Cluster ID: Identifies the cluster (e.g., for different environments like dev or prod).
– Service ID: Identifies the application and should remain consistent across deployments.


siloBuilder.Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
    options.ClusterId = "dev";
    options.ServiceId = "e-shop";
  • Endpoints (Optional):

– Silo-to-Silo Communication: Default port 11111.
– Client-to-Silo Communication: Default port 30000.


siloBuilder.ConfigureEndpoints(siloPort: 11111, gatewayPort: 30000);

These are only some basic configurations. You can change many more default configurations to make your application behave like you want it to behave. Other configurations are for example the garbage collection, the grain placement (control where grains are activated in the cluster), the grain directory and so on.

Other functionalities of Orleans

In addition to managing grains, silos, and clusters, Orleans offers a variety of functionalities that make it a versatile framework for building distributed systems.
Orleans supports streaming, enabling real-time event-driven communication between components and external systems.
With timers and reminders, developers can schedule recurring or delayed tasks directly within the grains, ensuring precise timing without relying on external job schedulers.
Orleans also provides state persistence through pluggable storage providers, making it simple to save and retrieve grain states across application restarts.
Moreover, it features transactions for ensuring consistency when multiple grains or resources are involved, even in a distributed environment.
Orleans integrates seamlessly with popular cloud services like Azure and AWS, supports telemetry through various monitoring tools, and provides advanced extensibility with custom policies for grain placement, clustering, and more, enabling fine-tuned control over application behavior. These features make Orleans a robust choice for building scalable, reliable, and efficient cloud-native applications.

Is Orleans suitable for your application?

Orleans is not ideal for every application. It excels in scenarios like real-time systems, multiplayer gaming, event-driven architectures and microservices that need to manage complex state.

When is Orleans suitable for your application?

Your application

  • has a large number of entities.
  • might run on more than 1 server.
  • needs zero downtime.
  • needs fast response times.
  • has several grains with a long lifetime. A good example will be products, inventory, warehouses, etc. and also grains with shorter lifespans like payment transactions, orders, and cart items.

When is Orleans not a good idea?

Your application

  • has only a few components and objects.
  • has compute-intensive tasks.
  • would have grains that need to access the state of other grains very frequently.
  • would have grains with a state that will be large.
  • needs global coordination to function.
  • has entities that perform long-running actions.


Microsoft Orleans offers a powerful and scalable framework for building distributed, stateful applications. Its actor-based model simplifies complex systems by providing abstractions that handle concurrency, state management, and communication, allowing developers to focus on core business logic. With its deep integration into the Microsoft ecosystem, Orleans is a compelling choice for anyone looking to build cloud-native, high-performance applications. As the demand for real-time, responsive, and resilient systems grows, Orleans stands out as a key tool in helping developers tackle these challenges with ease and efficiency. Whether you’re building microservices, gaming backends, or real-time solutions, Orleans provides the flexibility and reliability needed to meet the needs of modern, distributed applications. If you are curious about Orleans and want to learn more, I have a Pluralsight course where I build an end-to-end application and go deeper in most of the functionalities of Orleans.

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