My Pluralsight Courses

Building .NET MAUI Applications with MVVM

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 3 hr 16m

Release Date: March 19, 2024

Are you looking to use a well-tested and industry-standard approach to building mobile applications with .NET MAUI? Look no further. In this course, Building .NET MAUI Applications with MVVM, you’ll learn to create an end-to-end MAUI application based on an architecture that promotes code-reuse, testability, and maintainability, namely the MVVM pattern. First, you’ll explore the MVVM pattern and its building blocks. Next, you’ll discover how to create different screens based on this MVVM pattern. Finally, you’ll learn how to add extra functionality to the application including navigation, using remote data and messaging. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of the MVVM pattern in .NET MAUI needed to build real-world applications with industry-standard architectural guidelines.

Building Distributed .NET Apps with Orleans

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 3 hr 14m

Release Date: October 26, 2023

In this course, Building Distributed .NET Apps with Orleans, you’ll learn to build scalable, high-available and fault tolerant applications using Orleans. First, you’ll explore what distributed applications and Orleans is and what building blocks we need to start with Orleans. Next, you’ll discover how to use these building blocks and how they work. Finally, you’ll learn how to add more advanced features like timers, reminders, observers and streams to your application. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to build distributed applications using Orleans.